
Just over three years ago, in June 1984, the government of Canada received the report of its task force on federal policies and programs for technology development (the Wright report). Three months later, this (Liberal) government was defeated in a general election. In its election platform, and during its first months in office, the new (Progressive Conservative) government appeared to favour the kinds of measures and approaches recommended by Wright and his colleagues. Since then the picture has been somewhat confused. On the one hand, there have been changes in policy, budget cuts and some reorganisation affecting federal science departments and agencies. On the other, there have been more programme studies, some programme changes, and increasing emphasis placed on the participation of the private sector in co-operative R & D. This paper looks back to the recommendations of the Wright report and to what has happened to them under the new government. The paper concludes that the report was timely, that it had a positive influence on some of the new government’s actions, but, like other similar reports, its impact was diminished by events. The paper also concludes that the Wright report’s main thrust — the improved management of federal activities in technology development — has been set back by budget and other cuts and changes.

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By Andrew H. Wilson

Just over three years ago, in June 1984, the government of Canada received the report of its task force on federal policies and programs for technology development (the Wright report). Three months later, this (Liberal) government was defeated in a general election. In its election platform, and during its first months in office, the new (Progressive Conservative) government appeared to favour the kinds of measures and approaches recommended by Wright and his colleagues. Since then the picture has been somewhat confused. On the one hand, there have been changes in policy, budget cuts and some reorganisation affecting federal science departments and agencies. On the other, there have been more programme studies, some programme changes, and increasing emphasis placed on the participation of the private sector in co-operative R & D. This paper looks back to the recommendations of the Wright report and to what has happened to them under the new government. The paper concludes that the report was timely, that it had a positive influence on some of the new government’s actions, but, like other similar reports, its impact was diminished by events. The paper also concludes that the Wright report’s main thrust — the improved management of federal activities in technology development — has been set back by budget and other cuts and changes.

page: 338 – 358
Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation
Volume 5, Issue 2

SKU: 0810-90288629446