R&D Funding in India: An Empirical Study


Although the national expenditure on R&D in India (as a percentage of GNP) is comparable with that of such developed countries as Australia and Canada, there is increasing concern that the S&T capabilities of the country are not being fully utilised for accomplishing developmental plans. We report some of the findings of a sponsored project which examines R&D funding by government agencies in India.

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Although the national expenditure on R&D in India (as a percentage of GNP) is comparable with that of such developed countries as Australia and Canada, there is increasing concern that the S&T capabilities of the country are not being fully utilised for accomplishing developmental plans. We report some of the findings of a sponsored project which examines R&D funding by government agencies in India.

page: 21 – 31
Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation
Volume 17, Issue 1

SKU: 0810-90288629394