
The Chairman of the Australian Law Reform Commission identifies science and technology as one of the main factors necessitating reform of the law in Australia. The way in which informatics, one of the most dynamic technologies of today, has penetrated Australian society is described. The implications of this technology for two major projects before the Australian Law Reform Commission are then outlined. The first is the design of new laws to protect privacy of the individual in the growing computerisation of personal data. The second is the adaptation of the law of evidence, from a system highly dependent on oral testimony to one responsive to computer and computer generated testimony. The author then outlines a number of future issues concerning the interface between informatics and the law. He proposes the establishment of permanent machinery to examine the mosaic of computer law topics. Finally, he examines impediments to the computerisation of land information systems – as a species of the way in which the growth of informatics will present challenges to lawmakers, administrators and law reformers in Australia.

SKU: 0810-90288628921 Category: Tag:


By M.D. Kirby

The Chairman of the Australian Law Reform Commission identifies science and technology as one of the main factors necessitating reform of the law in Australia. The way in which informatics, one of the most dynamic technologies of today, has penetrated Australian society is described. The implications of this technology for two major projects before the Australian Law Reform Commission are then outlined. The first is the design of new laws to protect privacy of the individual in the growing computerisation of personal data. The second is the adaptation of the law of evidence, from a system highly dependent on oral testimony to one responsive to computer and computer generated testimony. The author then outlines a number of future issues concerning the interface between informatics and the law. He proposes the establishment of permanent machinery to examine the mosaic of computer law topics. Finally, he examines impediments to the computerisation of land information systems – as a species of the way in which the growth of informatics will present challenges to lawmakers, administrators and law reformers in Australia.

page: 160 – 179
Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation
Volume 1, Issue 1

SKU: 0810-90288628921