
The introduction of new technology has been of concern to banking unions but the chances of them effectively influencing such decisions are determined by the importance attached to the issue by members and their willingness to undertake industrial action. This paper reports a study which attempted to examine this issue by investigating union members’ experiences with various types of new technology, their attitudes towards those technologies and various aspects of their work lives and also their willingness to undertake industrial action over the introduction of new technology into their workplace.

SKU: 0810-90288629443 Category: Tag:


By Norman F. Dufty

The introduction of new technology has been of concern to banking unions but the chances of them effectively influencing such decisions are determined by the importance attached to the issue by members and their willingness to undertake industrial action. This paper reports a study which attempted to examine this issue by investigating union members’ experiences with various types of new technology, their attitudes towards those technologies and various aspects of their work lives and also their willingness to undertake industrial action over the introduction of new technology into their workplace.

page: 284 – 303
Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation
Volume 5, Issue 2

SKU: 0810-90288629443