
The latest workers to be affected by new computer and communication technologies are those whose workplace is the road — truck drivers, bus and taxi drivers, travelling salespeople, and even police and emergency vehicle drivers. Automatic vehicle identification (AVI) and monitoring (AVM) technologies make it possible to monitor the movements of individual vehicles, potentially threatening the freedom of those using the road, both literally (in road pricing schemes) and figuratively (through surveillance). Before these technologies become widely adopted, it is important that the social implications are debated and understood, and that safeguards to protect privacy and prevent exploitation are designed along with the technology.

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By Pam Scott

The latest workers to be affected by new computer and communication technologies are those whose workplace is the road — truck drivers, bus and taxi drivers, travelling salespeople, and even police and emergency vehicle drivers. Automatic vehicle identification (AVI) and monitoring (AVM) technologies make it possible to monitor the movements of individual vehicles, potentially threatening the freedom of those using the road, both literally (in road pricing schemes) and figuratively (through surveillance). Before these technologies become widely adopted, it is important that the social implications are debated and understood, and that safeguards to protect privacy and prevent exploitation are designed along with the technology.

page: 296 – 312
Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation
Volume 9, Issue 2

SKU: 0810-90288631949